Feeling the Heat Exhibit, part IV

For each of the ideas that turns into an exhibit element, there are a host of ideas that are never realized. One of these lost ideas is the Climate Floor Game, a giant board game - hopscotch hybrid, that teaches kids what they can do to help reduce carbon emissions. If you do something green, like recycle your plastic bottle, you move forward. If you do something not green, like leave the water running while brushing teeth, you move back.

I based the design on a very similar game I saw at the Hong Kong Wetlands Park museum. They have excellent exhibits there; their conservation section was particularly impressive; it was packed with interactives that appealed to all manners of learning, though perhaps it was heavy on the tech side, which makes sense in the context of Hong Kong. Anyways.

We'd hoped to embed this in the carpet of the exhibit, so that while parents were absorbed with the more grown-up oriented exhibits like How To Use Sediment Cores To Understand Past Climate, kids could occupy themselves too. As it turned out, there was no space to accommodate a large floor game, so we thought perhaps it can be a huge roll-out canvas, for special teaching programs in the courtyard. But that never happened either.