This was a sketch I did back in February when the I was first asked to design the Birch education outreach van. But only recently has the funding and organization surrounding it been more or less finalized, and I can proceed to the final designs. I now have more photoshop experience, as well as more kelp drawing experience. The kelp fronds I painstakingly put in the background now look scraggly to me. The fish could definitely use a make over.
The van will be used to bring the Birch to schools who can't make a field trip out to the Birch. So the idea with the van design is to feature a different local marine habitat on each side, so the van itself could be a teaching tool. This is the kelp forest side- the other long side will be tide pool habitat, on the back: sandy bottom, and front: open ocean. No I won't be painting directly on the van... the design will be printed on a giant sticker which will be professionally plastered on to the sides. The proper terminology is actually to "wrap" the van. Full wrapping of a
van (including giant sticker printing) is around $3500, in case you're wondering.
Apologies for not posting recently. It's been a busy July.