Baby E's parents did a terrific job of getting her to smile. I have not made much progress in the art of entertaining babies, and there's especially little I can do while holding a camera using both hands. I tried auditory stimuli, making weird sounds that usually get the attention of my dog, but this didn't work on the baby. Baby E's Mom stood at my shoulder making silly faces, and I snapped away.

Baby E's Dad was wearing a nice periwinkle blue shirt that made for a nice backdrop to many of the photos. I should remember to suggest a pastel-colored t-shirt to other parents with babies I may someday photograph. We sat under a shady tree, which allowed spots of sun to come through, so I used my flash on reduced power (-2/3) with diffuser, and that made for pleasant, natural lighting. All in all, a fun shoot because it's hard not to smile when a baby is smiling, and this one was particularly cheery!