Things that I make for craft fairs are often things that I want for myself. It so happens that I wanted cuff bracelets. It was just a matter of finding inspiring fabric.
On a recommendation, I went to SCRAP (Scrounger's Center for Reusable Art Parts - I think that's the right acronym). It is a artsy-crafty person's heaven. 3 aisles of rolls of fabric left overs and samples, a grocery bag's worth for $7. I was particularly pleased to find a box of light pants cloth samples - corduroys, tweeds, herringbones, plaids, in colors perfect for Autumn.

I already had yards of dark purple felt, which I used for the backmost flower layer. I bought some buttons, and voila, punched out a bunch of these, which will be sold at my next craft fair.

Speaking of which, is the Mission Indie Mart - October 12th from 12 to 6pm, at 17th and Wisconsin.