Part of the fun of craft fairs is meeting other artists and potential friends and collaborators. I met the owner and designer of Kusumita (, also new to vendoring. I've always wanted to venture into fashion photography and advertising, so I offered my photographic and graphic design services.
Camille already had some photos of models sporting her designs, so I used those images, in which the models were very creatively posed. I did some lightening and brightening, and strategic cropping to better highlight the colors and shapes of the clothing, and cut out some of the distracting background. She also wanted a new photo to include her white t-shirt, so I took the white t-shirt photos. On all the images, I placed the Kusumita logo, a la magazine ad.
Below is an example of the visual wonders cropping an image can do. To the left, the original image. While the pink blouse does stand out on it's own, the paleness of the ceramic ware on the table, and the legs, create a strong distraction from the blouse - the real topic of interest. The little table is set entirely apart from the woman, and almost cuts the composition into quarters: the top left being background, top right: woman and pink blouse, bottom right: legs and bottom left: ceramic ware and table. the four sections don't quite pull together.
The cropped image gives all attention to the woman and the blouse, and the teacup and saucer she holds is enough to give the suggestion of teatime with out the rest of the ceramics.