This is an image I put together for a craigslist ad. I finally decided to post on CL and I assumed it would be easy to upload an image to accompany my description. But actually, one has to code it in using html, so that it links to an image already uploaded on another site. I didn't want to buy online space, and it occurred to me that this blog stores my photos. And when you click on the photo, it opens in its own page, with its own link. But all is not so straightforward - I must be using the wrong coding, because this photo isn't showing up. I shall seek the advice of someone with computer programming experience.
In the meantime, here's my image-less ad:
I wanted it to be friendly and straight forward, without pointing out how affordable I am/ what a great deal it is/ irrelevant comments on how other photogs push albums and prints on you/ how good a photog I am/ what awards I've won (none). Like museum exhibit labels, I figure ads should be easy to read. And a picture paints a 1000 words, which is why I want this image to be on there too. Anyone who links to my homepage will get my kelp illustration, which is not photography, and thus may be confusing. I may have to remedy that for the time being...