One of the funnest, most challenging, and most exhausting photo shoots in my experience. Four sisters, all different interests. I spent the morning photographing the youngest in her first horse show. Then, onto head shots for each of the girls, and then group photos. Furniture was dragged into the back yard; they wanted to do a "Twilight"/ Vanity Fair scene. I'd seen enough fashion spreads of this genre to get what they were going for. A sort of decadent bohemian look, like rock stars hanging out in the back yard. And I'd actually heard of "Twilight" through NPR movie reviews; a vampire movie aimed at teen girls; it's rare that I know of things that teens are interested in these days.

Cushions, throws, feathers, plastic candelabra, guitar, poinsettias, a zebra print ottoman, hammock and deck chair were presented to me. And so began my first real styling experience. I covered as much as the hammock as possible, and placed a piano bench under it (hammocks are very unruly otherwise). I wanted to create different levels on which the girls could sit. If you look at any Vanity Fair spread, you'll note that all the people are sitting or standing at different levels, some closer, some further from the camera.

Meanwhile the girls put on black dresses and metalic jewelry. I directed them to their spot and let them lean this way and that while I took photos. It was a lot of composition to think about, as there were so many elements as well as three subjects. In the end, I think I achieved the look they were hoping for.

The family also had 4 breadbox sized dogs. Two jumped in for a group photo.