Unfortunately, "Ginkgo" is a commonly mis-spelled word. I mis-spelled it today, when looking up GinkoPhoto.com, to see if it was taken. It was and I was disappointed. Then I thought, maybe GinkoLeaf? I googled that for fun, and google said: Did you mean Ginkgo Leaf? Yes I did. Another wrong spelling is Gingko. So, it's only a problem if someone is trying to recall my website name without text reference.
I spent the day riffling through my photos to update my portfolio, and prepping pictures to upload onto the site. I'm using qufoto.com, which I so far like. The designs are polished but straight forward (no distracting flash, or fancy designs to pay for), the payment scheme is simply (no "sign up fee", just a standard monthly rate of $19 per month). User friendly and fast customer service.
This was a photo I'd forgotten about - kids rushing to burst bubbles.