The flowers just so happen to be the same shade as her dress. This was the only patch of shade that we could find - it was 11:30am in San Diego after all. But this clump of xerophilic landscaping provided a great backdrop.

Last weekend was a flurry of photographic activity, and I am still recovering. But it was fun, because my subjects were all friends. It is definitely easier to photograph people I already know - for the obvious reasons of being comfortable with one another. But also I feel free to be a bit more experimental with poses and lighting.

This composition is full of diagonals. Intentionally tilting the camera so that the horizon isn't at zero degrees (or straight; you know what I mean) can add an element of fun/ action/ impulsiveness to a photo. But it also throws another challenge into creating a good composition. Unintentionally tilted horizons make me cringe, like bad lighting. I think horizons are important; not just something that happens to be in the background.

The vegetation runs from top left to bottom right. The stone the couple is seated on is on that same plane. What makes it more interesting though, are the woman's limbs, also making diagonals. They pull my eye in a zig zag from the bottom left, up her arms, to rest on her face, and then his face. Had she been wearing long sleeves or pants, the effect would be different. And the gold shoes - a lovely subtle detail.