Anyways. Below in the portrait pics, I used shallow depth of field, focusing only on the eyes - everything else is fuzzy. At the same time in these portraits, the noses aren't as exaggeratedly huge; they are more normally proportioned, even though the nose is so much closer to the camera than the eyes. I used a 50mm lens for this pic. Besides depth of field, the further you are from your subject, the slimmer they appear. That's why fashion runway photographers use 200mm+ lenses.
I know I'm always pointing this out. Consider how the wide angle distorts dog faces, and now think about what this does to human faces. To YOUR face. Wide angle is cute for dogs, but not for grown up people.
In summary:
* Larger Aperture = Smaller F-stop number = Shallower Depth of Field = More Flattering Portrait
* Small Aperture = Higher F-stop number = Greater Depth of Field = Distorted Portrait and Good For Landscapes
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