On a totally different note, Good news! I heard from TinyPrints.com, an online company that makes personalized birth announcements, cards, invites and what nots, with modern chic designs (think Anthropologie). They like my photos, and would like to include me as a one of their "Photographer Favorites" - a list of local photog recommendations. They ask to use some of my photos in their sample products, I get a discount at their site, my clients get a discount, and any clients whose photo is used gets a generous gift certificate. Yea!! I'll need to inquire about copyright and such, but I do want this to work out. An endorsement from TinyPrints (which many of my clients use already, and is a Bay Area based company) is huge.
Now that I'm out of art school, it's hard to find a means to get my work critiqued. I'd been relying on the feedback from clients - that they are happy and keep coming back for more, and refer me to friends is obviously a good sign. It is a whole different level of reward to have positive feedback from a business that specializes in the design of family photo printed materials.