It isn't perfect. The major fault is that a blossom branch runs almost straight down the middle of the photo. I could crop the pic I suppose, so that the branch is no longer centered, but I didn't want to cut out any more the raining blossom branches. I think the environment the blossoms create outweighs the compositional discomfort of that central branch. Also, the asymmetry of the girl and the tree trunk help balance that out. Here presence is much greater than the branch, and you notice her first.
In other news, I received my new postcards. They printed out a bit dark, with a slight blue-ish hue. The warmer colored photos look OK, but those taken in a whiter light - ARGH, the subjects look a little blue and, well, zombie-ish. Just slightly. A not altogether healthy pallor. I gave one to the UPS guy who delivered the box of 250 postcards to me, and he thought it looked great, so maybe it's just my critical eye. Well, at least this way I won't feel stingy (and I mean as in Wanting To Keep Them All, not as in Bee Sting - you'd think these would be spelled differently) about leaving piles of cards here and there, to use em up.
And finally - remember those corporate head shots I was fretting about? I need not fret, because they actually want "natural" looking head shots, in front of shrubbery, in natural light. That's why they chose me. Well, that all makes a lot of sense.