I've been very cooped up, not being able to walk anywhere with recuperating ankle. Aside from the trek to the mail box 1.5 blocks away, which took a long time and was quite arduous - elderly people carrying bags of groceries sped past me. I can only do so many edits, and I find myself fervently wishing for a new Wii game (preferable one of the Mario ones, Galaxy 2 perhaps).
My first shoot post-sprain will be Sunday, a baby shoot. The family could not reschedule due to travel, and I figured, I can move at least as fast as a crawling baby, right? I should hope. We'll be contained within the Shakespeare Garden in GGP, which is quite small. I spend most of the time at baby shoots on the floor anyways.
I like the dexterity of this tiny hand. The pinky is perfectly poised for a cup of tea. Of course, this pose in real life probably last about a split second, if you could even call it a pose. It is more likely a stop-action shot, hence the non-focus, of the flower heading towards her mouth. Why do babies try to eat everything they can grab? It's a mal-adaptive behavior. Suggests that parents, since the emergence of human-kind (in my Hollywood-shaped imagination I picture a baby sitting amongst sharp obsidian chunks, chips of mammoth bones, charred wood shards in a cave), have always been around to exclaim Don't Eat That! And grab stuff from curious little hands.