I tend to go for the facial closeups, but I've been trying in include more Kid in Environment type photos in my shoots, for more style variety. With complicated backgrounds, it works best when the kid is far in front - at least 10 yards - of the nearest background elements (the row of trees in this case), so that I can bokeh-out (unfocus) the background using low f/number, like 2.8. He really pops out of the foreground and the branchy branches are not distracting. Lovely sunset light doesn't hurt either.
Keep on Runnin'
I tend to go for the facial closeups, but I've been trying in include more Kid in Environment type photos in my shoots, for more style variety. With complicated backgrounds, it works best when the kid is far in front - at least 10 yards - of the nearest background elements (the row of trees in this case), so that I can bokeh-out (unfocus) the background using low f/number, like 2.8. He really pops out of the foreground and the branchy branches are not distracting. Lovely sunset light doesn't hurt either.