Welcome to the World

While I was pregnant, some client moms casually mentioned to me: Oh, you'll be able to bring your baby to work. She can nap while you do your shoots. I was hopeful at first, but when my baby arrived, it was immediately apparent that photo shoots and baby care could only be accomplished if I had maybe, 4 arms and 2 heads. I didn't attempt this juggle until recently, when the opportunity arose to photograph for a friend. If my baby did not nap, or was disagreeable, I wouldn't need to worry about lacking professionalism to tend to her. In the end, I didn't just tend to her - I carried her around with my left arm and held the camera steady with my right hand, as she drooled and banged on my shoulder with her little fist. Couldn't do this if I were using my big 24-70mm 2.8L lens... or if I had to chase a tot - but with the compact 50mm 1.4 and a newborn, this worked out just fine!