My favorite season, Fall is almost here! For one thing, we'll actually see the bridge in photos such as that above, and I can plan shoots around daylight hours instead of fog light hours (in the latter case, the worry is not getting enough natural light at either end of the day). All "Summer", I've had to gloomily report to hopeful families that Baker Beach was too dismal for a sunset shoot. My poor shivering clients that come in from Marin, East Bay or the Peninsula arrive in shorts and sun dresses, not quite believing when I warn them it's Winter around here.
Fall also brings events that I love to photograph pro-bono. The Randall Museum has its Halloween Fest, followed closely by the Holiday fest. Kids doing crafts? In Costume? There is no funner subject! (except perhaps kids With Pets doing crafts in costumes...) Also upcoming is Animalpalooza on Sept 24th at Fort Mason. Hosted by a local environmental non-profit, it's a rare chance for kids to meet and touch live animals. Why yes I used to be a teacher for them. Which is why I'll dedicate a full post to the event in September.
Then there are pumpkin patches. In past years, I've done shoots at the Clancy Patch at 7th and Lawton. But this year, with my Own Baby to prop up against a pumpkin in a cute costume, I will venture for the first time to a Half Moon Bay pumpkin patch. Looks like Farmer John's pumpkin patch fits the bill of down-homey and mellow, not all decked out with over the top haunted houses etc. I am extremely excited about this. Doing a baby pumpkin patch shoot was one of my main incentives for having a baby. Even planned to have her sitting up by herself in time for pumpkin season.