Suddenly they're everywhere: Groupon, Living Social, Yelp Deals; and the family and mom specific Doodle Deals and Juice In The City. Maybe it wasn't sudden, but having recently emerged from Newborn Fog, it seems that these offers are spilling off of website ad bars left and right. Until now, due to aforementioned Newborn Fog, I didn't took advantage of any deals, figuring my brain wasn't capable of thorough deal scrutinization. Just recently I impulsively jumped on a month's supply of Fresh Baby Bites delivery for 50% off, and now I'm playing much more attention.
Occasionally I spot other photographer's deals on such sites, and I feel internal pangs - Argh! I want to expand my client base too! And even greater Argh, some of these photographers' pics are SO mediocre! Why are people signing up for this!? I feel a deep need, as if it is my earthbound duty, to rescue SF families from overpriced and/or blah quality photos. Alas, I put this need aside for the time being.
At four months, she's learning to peekaboo, she's laughing, she's poking herself in the eye with a drool dripping rubber spoon, she's drawing coos out of all the grandmas within smile shot on the Muni. I know all working moms must have to face the balance or choice of baby, work and sanity. I am very lucky to be self-employed, so for now: I choose to be a full time mom during the week, and to work part-time on weekends and evenings when she can have her Daddy-Time. Being an ambition driven person, it is tough to reign in my business. I remind myself: There will always be more babies to photograph in the future - but my baby is here and now and won't be a baby for much longer.
(Thank you for taking this photo Camille, SO nice to be In a photo with my daughter for once!)